Monday, October 6, 2014

Could City Ban "Redskins" While You Are In Furnished Apartments In Minneapolis?

The Minneapolis City Council took a pair of steps Friday to try to stop the use of the "Redskins" nickname when the NFL team from Washington, D.C. plays the Vikings at the University of Minnesota later this season.  One of the moves was symbolic: The council passed a resolution asking the team to change “the racist, offensive name of the Washington, D.C. football franchise.”  The other was more substantive: It directed the city attorney to research whether the city has legal authority under its civil rights law to enforce a ban on the use of the name and the team logo in TCF Bank Stadium on scoreboards, uniforms and other displays. The game is scheduled for Nov. 2.  Both passed unanimously and without comment.  The direction to the city attorney came a week after members of the Public Safety, Civil Rights and Emergency Management Committee heard from members of the National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media, who asked the city to take action.  It is unclear what kind of actions they could reasonably take, but if something does happen you could see history if you go to the game while in furnished apartments in Minneapolis.

It is our pleasure to provide this information. If you are traveling to the Minneapolis area for an furnished apartments in Minneapolis or are in need of short term rentals in Minneapolis please consider Creative Housing Solutions.